Monday, June 1, 2009

Last Day of School! : )

Today, June 1, is the last of fifth grade for me! Although I'm sad about moving, I know I'm going to have an awsome summer. Anyway, this was my day:
First thing in the morning when I got to school, I handed out cards and Dove bodywashes to my three friends. We didn't have to do any assignments this morning, only talk and have fun. Think of that, having fun at school! Mrs. Spear was our substitute because my teacher Mrs. Rogers was on a cruise to some island near the Bahamas. Anyway, since there are three fifth grade rooms, two of them were for watching movies andthe other one was for board games.My friend Olivia, Maddy, Cadi and I played a game called Whooknew (who knew).It was so frustrating because I barely know any of my friends so I always got the lowest scores both times. Plus,I didn't even get good cards. UGHH! I hate that game! But I had a good lunch: Bagle w/ sundried tomato turkey, baked Doritos, a handful of red grapes, and chocolatechip banana bread. Then we had recess (it was retty long actually). Afterward my two friends Mollie and Olivia and I were getting nervous because we were performing for Tiger Pride. We were doing a dance with Hoedown Throwdown by Miley Cyrus. It surprised me that we did good. During Tiger Pride, Mrs. Malone anounced that our class won a principal party. I was so happy! That meant we got to choose a good sized candy bar (i got a Kit Kat). What a great day to end the school year!

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