Hey hey hey! It's a brand new day! Merry Christmas Eve to readers and bloggers! I finally figured out why my blog wasn't working earlier...because I wasn't doing it right! Of course! But no worries, it looks great now right?! Anyways, I can't wait for "Santa" to come and bring me my iPod Touch! And have Mom make soe more toffee! Oh, how I LOVE her toffee! It's made with melted chocolate chips, brown sugar, Saltine crackers, and butter! It's so flippin' good! I wish she would make it more often though! Here is the recipe:
Momma's Toffee
Brown sugar
Chocolate chips of your choice
Saltine crackers
How To:
Line a pan with the crackers. Melt a cup of butter and a cup of the brown sugar. Cook the butter and the sugar in a pot at a low boil for 3 minutes. Pour over the crackers and spread with a rubber spatular. Place in the oven for 5 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove from oven and immediatly pour chocolate chips over the toffee. The chocolate chips should melt from the heat, wait 5 minutes, spread with a rubber spatular and place in the freezer. When the chocolate is solid to the touch, break it up into chunks and keep in a container in the fridge. Then you can eat and enjoy!!! This recipe is so good and I highly recomend you to try it. Seriously! This recipe is REALLY GOOD!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It's Snowing!
Hello fellow bloggers and readers! So if you heard about the storm that was supposed to hit the north, well, it did. Hard. It is currently snowing RIGHT THIS INSTANT. It is so pretty! It's already snowed once here, and there was a lot. The forecast for tonight says that there should be up to 10 inches, there isn't very much now. I can't wait to see what it looks like in the morning! I just hope that there will be A TON. Well, I have to go get my dogs to stop wrestling each other. See yas!
:::Peace Polkadots:::
:::Peace Polkadots:::
Monday, December 14, 2009
Merry Christmas!!!!

Happy Holidays! I know I haven't posted in-what?A month?- anywayz, I have some BIG news. And when I say big-I mean BIG! like KAPOW! Well, hereis my BIG news: 1. I got some fat chunky guinea pigs. 2. I completly forgt about two of my fiend's birthdays(oops) 3. my life is so boring! I just wanted to wish you all happy holidays and a merry christmas! So this past summer, my photographer took a ton of pictures of my family in this really big park. I looked at some of them and they turned out great! I'll post some now. Aren't they great?!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
So yesterday was Thanksgiving. I went to my grandma's house in New Jersey. We had the most awesome food there! There were mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes with marshmallows (my personal fav), turkey (of course!), sweet potato rolls, stuffing, and so much more! My cousins were there, my dad's side of the family, and my dad's extended side of the family. For dessert, we had chocolate chip pie (yum!), apple pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, and made by my mom, raspberry chocolate fudge cake! Today is black Friday, and me and my mom woke up at 4:15 to get ready. She told me to stay in bed and told me i couldn't go shopping with her and my grandma! i was so upset, i stayed awake until 6:10 and fell back asleep, very sad. i woke up again at 7:40, took a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, gathered my things and threw them in the car. I was extremely mad at my mom for doing this to me. YA HEAR THAT MOM? I REALLY WANTED TO GO!!!!! Anywayz, i just wanted to take everything out on you so i can feel better, which did not do anything. I think I'll go to my room that I'm staying in and cry until my eyes fall out. I hope all of you are happy that your moms get to take YOU shopping on black Friday.
:::Peace Polkadots:::
:::Peace Polkadots:::
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Most Lucky Unlucky Person on Friday the 13th!
Hey Guys! I'm telling you that yes, I am alive and healthy. Anyway, as you all know, yestarday was Friday the 13th. I had almost the best day. And what i mean by how I'm the most lucky unlucky person, well, here it goes: I had forgotten my homework for my nicest teacher ever (which i would NEVER forget homework for that teacher!)which was unlucky. However, i told him that it was in my computer and not on a pice of paper. He then toold mr to e-mailit to him so he could not count it late(lucky!). In my art class, I really needed to go to the bathroom and took her FOREVER to get to me. As soon as I heard the word yes come out of her mouth, I ran to the sign out sheet. There were, like, a million things piled on top, so i threw them outof the way(unlucky). Then the pen was jammed in the clipboard(unlucky). So I skipped signing out, but i couldnt find the bathroom pass (yet again unlucky)! As soon as i did fnd it, was seriously about to pee my pants. But,(luckily) made it safely to the loo just in time. And I know someting is up with my blog, and I really liked the one that i had. :-( and, u guys need to check out the band called OWL CITY. it's awesome! i love their songs!
Peace Polkadots
Peace Polkadots
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
New Song
I know the song 'Party in the USA' by Miley Cyrus is a hot song, but I mean, I'm getting a little sick of it. So I changed it to my third song on my playlist. and the Jesse Mcartny song first. So anywayz, that's all!
:::Peace Polkadots:::
:::Peace Polkadots:::
Monday, October 26, 2009
I NEED Comments!!!!
OK people, I know some of you may or may not know me, but I like to know that you are still alive and reading the few posts I publish these days. Seriously, I comment on your blogs a lot.(if you are that person, you know what I mean)Anyway, I am begging you, pu-leaze let me know you are reading this so I know you're alive or else I will permanatly DELETE this blog! Thakyou for those who do leave comments.
:::Peace Polkadots:::
:::Peace Polkadots:::
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My New Template
I know how I've had my last template from That Blog Place for like, ever. So I decided to go to Hot Bliggity Blog and found a template with the Eiffle Tower on the side. hope you like it!
::Peace Polkadots::
::Peace Polkadots::
Sunday, October 4, 2009
My Birthday *<:-)
So yestarday, a Saturday, was my birthday! It was awesome! I got some things from a store called Lush!, a bath luxury store, from my brothers. I got a credit card from my parents. It was non redeemable of course, but it was like a gift card that you could use anywhere. So I went to the mall yestarday, and found a bunch of things that i loved, and bought. i got sparkly toms and a gift certificate to justice from my grandparents on my dad's side, and some birthday money from my mom's parents. i also got a brand new purse! it is soooooo cute! i will post a picture later. But i just wanted to tell you, I'M 12!!!!!! :-)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
NYC Shopping!
So i said that i would post later about the different stores in NYC. Well, here they are! So there were these really cool candy shops, like the Hershey Factory and the M&M's Factory. There were also stores that i cant remember their names
but i can remember one: GUCCI!!!!! They have such cool thingd in Gucci, and soooo expensive. There was an apple ipod store, an Ugg Austeralia store, and a gigantic Build A Bear Workshop store. Oh, and just a reminder, my birthday is on Saturday, and i'm sooooo excited! I'll be turning twelve and that's only a year away from being a teenager! And, i'm doing so many activities this year: volleyball, broadway jazz, and mabey guitar if it's not too expensive! Well, i hav to go and finish up on a french assignment. Au revoir!
but i can remember one: GUCCI!!!!! They have such cool thingd in Gucci, and soooo expensive. There was an apple ipod store, an Ugg Austeralia store, and a gigantic Build A Bear Workshop store. Oh, and just a reminder, my birthday is on Saturday, and i'm sooooo excited! I'll be turning twelve and that's only a year away from being a teenager! And, i'm doing so many activities this year: volleyball, broadway jazz, and mabey guitar if it's not too expensive! Well, i hav to go and finish up on a french assignment. Au revoir!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
New York City- Something to Blog About!
I have not been posting in a while because I never have anything to talk about. But now i do!!! Yesyerday the fam went to NYC! It was amazing! We got on a train at 11:00, and we arrived at Grand Central Station. GCS is beautiful! I will post pictures later when I find the camera. Anywayz, when we got there, we walked to the Umpire State Building and took an elevator to the 86th floor and I could see across two entire states! I'm so not kidding. Then we walked to Central Park and played there a little while. There was a blocked off area where people could skate (I didn't) and there was an old lady dancing her butt off! It was so funny! There was a man that didnt have skates and the man in charge started yelling at him. Then the guy without skates started cursing- " I respect you, but I don't give a f--- for you! I don't give a f--- for you!......." and over and over again. At least lil J was sleeping. Anyway, after the Park, we walked to a diner place called the Brooklyn Diner. The food was really good. We went to a REAL New York Deli too. As we were walking towards Times Square, we stoped at an M&M's store. It was amazing and had everything you could imagine. Then we went to a Hershey's Chocolate Fac, and you got free samples of chocolate kisses! Oh, how I love Hershey's. I was looking for Hershey's dog treats, but I didn't see anything. (I was going to buy some because my dog's name is Hershey.) As we were still walking, we stoped by a little table with Coach bags! I found one that was only $20, and my mom said we would definetly come back to get some other day when it wasn't as crowded. When we finally got to times square, it was the same as the movies. There were bright lights everywhere! I love NYC! After that, we finally took the train home. in the middle of the dark spooky night, of course, the train broke down. After like, 30 minutes, the train started working again. I will tell more about the stores later because I have to take a shower. Laters!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Grandma's House
Hey guys! Right now I'm at my grandma's house. Yesterday when we came over, we waited for my cousins to come over. Then we made dinner. My cousin Julia, helped big J and Pop Pop cook the chicken on the grill. Jessica, grandma and I made the mashed potatoes and green beans. The dinner tasted divine! Oh it was really good! Then we went to this place called Fruity Yogurt. It is a frozen yogurt shop where you make your own yogurt. They had flavors like strawberry, green apple, mango (awesome flavor!), plain tart, cookies and cream (this was good too.), and the soft serve flavors. There were these different topping bars where there so many things to choose from! There was brownie, cookie dough, coconut gel, lots of fruit, and soooo much more! So my cousins spent the night, and Grandma's making pankakes! After brekfast, she will take me shopping at the mall with every store you could think of. and tonight, we are going to meet at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner with my parents at the Palisades Mall! Did you know they have a Staples and Home Depo? Well, they do! Well, I need to get going, pancakes are ready. Blog u laters!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Monday, August 31, 2009
Hey Guys
Hey sorry i haven't posted in a while. At our house in CT we don't have internet access so it's kind of hard to check my e-mail and all. Anywayz, today was my first day of school. It went well, until the stupid bus driver missed my stop and wouldn't turn around. It has been so hectic! There are boxes everywhere, my friend who has a blog now has the same opening title as me, i don't have homework yet, but i will have a bunch when my advanced math teacher pushes the pedal and starts zooming by! Right now I'm at the library and just got my library card. It looks really old, and there aren't many people here and the lady said it's been a "busy" day. Anyway, since my birthday is coming up, i think i know what's on my wish list: silver glitter Toms shoes, a DELL laptop computer, and mabey a Vera Bradly purse or lunch tote. The food at my school looks very unhealthy, but good! My locker can fit like, a thousand binders since it's a floor to ceiling red one. I just can't wait to go shopping with my mom at the Palisades Mall and NYC! Even though I do have awesome clothes, i feel I must go anyway for more! I'm such a shopaholic! I just wish I could go to arkansas to shop. Oh, how i miss it! Not that I'm a hillbilly or anything, but people are so rude here. I mean when the bus driver missed my stop, he wouldn't even turn around to drop me off! It is soooooooo annoying! I just hope these two yearsgo by quickly. Well, time for me to get going. Blog U Later!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My Last Few Weeks
Hey guys! So sorry i have not been able to post. The last few weeks have been really hecktic! Anywayz, let me give you the scoop on the good things. Two weeks ago I got a cell phone. It's pink and it looks like a black berry phone but it's not. About five days ago we moved to Conneticut. This part is the only bad part in my blog and I am longing to see my girls! At least I can text one of them and soon will be able to text another. But the house we will be living in sucks big time. I hate it, period. Everything is sooo old and spread out. i love Arkansas, and I'm sooooo not a hillbilly. I will upload pics of our used house and my phone as soon as i can get hold of a nearby cammra. Anyway, I've got to go. Blog Ya Later!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Yesta'day and Today
Hey Guys! Since I havn't blogged in a while I'll fill you in on yesta'day and today! Yesterday, which was a Thurday, I went back to school shopping with my mom. We went to the Pinnacle. Lil' J wanted to ride the train that went around the outdoor mall and back. After that, we went to Justice and got a pair of jeans, Some black boots, a couple tanktops, a black 3 quarter length shirt, and two sweater-cardigans. Then, we went to Aeropostale and found a t-shirt that has the british flag on it and a brown button up sweater. after that, we went to pickup Shaggy from the vet. He had gotten his hair cut, so he looks completly different. ( i will upload pics later). Today, friday, while i was reading mags i heard screaming. It turns out the screaming was from my brother. He had gotten stung by a wasp in the lip and head. After that, i ate lunch and called my friend who i havn't spoken to in forever! Tomarrow will probably be a better day for my brother. Laters!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hey guys! since I don't have much to blog about, i would like for you to check out my top 10 songs on my playlist at the very bottom of my blog page and tell me what you think of them. Laters!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
On Friday, our friends, my mom, brothers, and I went to the mall again to meet a friend. We had lunch there, said "bye" to our friends and left. On Saturday I went to Market Place and then the Neighborhood Pool for a party. At the party we swam,ate really good cake ( it was chocolate with fudge on top and white with rasberry on the bottom). After the party, I invited two friends to spend the night. We had soooooo much fun! We went to big J's game (he won) and ate popcorn, candy, and nachos. When we got home from the game, my dad set up the blowup mattresses and we watched tv for 30 minutes then went to sleep. When we woke up, we ate breakie, got dressed, and walked to the Farmer's Market. I got a biscotti at one of the little stands. when we got home, one of my friends had to go home. THe other stayed for an hour before leaving. Then, my family went to Noodles for lunch and went to Old Navy. I found a really cute shirt there. Well, that's my weekend for you. Laters!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Yesterday and Today
Yesterday after we picked lil'J up from school and had lunch,my mom, lil'J and I went to the mall again. When we got home we were just on time when our company came over. My mom's friend from Searcy, AR came to visit before we move. So we went out to dinner at Red Robin and came home, made sleeping arrangmaents, and went to bed. At around 11:00, our dog started barking so me and my mom had to drag him outside and put in the kennel for the night. In the morning, I had to get everyone breakfast and myself. For lunch, we went to Fun City because this wa sgoing to be our last time go there. Then all afternoon, I played with the kids and now I'm getting ready to go to dinner. I'll blog tomarrow. Laters!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Yesterday and Today
Yesterday, big J had his going away party. It was ok. The cake was good though. Today my mom dropped lil' J off at his friend's house and we went to the mall. When first got there, we went to Finish Line to get new shoes. Of course, they didn't have my size in the ones I liked. So my mom got a new pair of pink running shoes that were awesome and really cute. Then we went to this new place called N Style Accecories and saw this really cute purse there that was sort of white faux leather on the strap, sides, and a peace sign in the middle with bling all over it. It was super cute. So my mom got a new purse and wallet because hers were breaking. Then, finally, we went to Aeropostale. I found 2 pairs of jeans that fit me perfectly and my mom found a crimson shirt that looked really good on her. So after we made our purchases, Mom and I raced to the car because we realized lil' J had been at his friend's house for over 3 hours. After we picked lil' J up we went back to the house to eat lunch and then went to go get a massage. then we came home, and waited for a painting guy to come over and then got on here. oh, and for a head's up, I'm going to make a poll tomarrow so get ready to vote!
~ Peace Polkadots~
~ Peace Polkadots~
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Today, (Sunday) my family and i went to see the Wiggles in Oklahoma. The Wiggles is a little kid show that lil' J likes to watch. But let me tell you the awesome part. In the Wiggles, there are 4 men that sing. Their names are Sam, Anthony, Jeff, and Muray and they're from Austaila. So Muray starts walking up the rows of the theatre and says hi to everyone. I can't believe this, because these guys are MOVIE STARS that have traveled all over and made movies everywhere, even in Austraila with Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter . So Muray is a few feet away from me and personally says "Hi" to me! Isn't that cool or what?! Anywayz, I have a cool recipe for you bloggers:
Tea Pops:
2 cups (approximatly one small pot) herbal tea, brewed double strength
1 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons sugar
Brew hot tea using double the amount of leaves you usually would use. Let steep for 4 minutes then allow time to cool. Stir the orange juice and sugar into the cooled tea, then pour the mixture into ice pop molds or ice cube trays, leaving some room at the top. Place in freezer for 3 hours or until solid.
Take out of the freezer and enjoy! Not for coffee lovers who don't like tea.
Tea Pops:
2 cups (approximatly one small pot) herbal tea, brewed double strength
1 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons sugar
Brew hot tea using double the amount of leaves you usually would use. Let steep for 4 minutes then allow time to cool. Stir the orange juice and sugar into the cooled tea, then pour the mixture into ice pop molds or ice cube trays, leaving some room at the top. Place in freezer for 3 hours or until solid.
Take out of the freezer and enjoy! Not for coffee lovers who don't like tea.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
In cooking class, I pretty much made lunch there. First, we went outside and cooked berry cobler in a campfire. It was terrible. I probably would've liked it better if it was cooked in an oven. Then we had apple juice and Cheez Itz as a snack. In our second class we made hamburger meatballs, cheese pizza, and peach tarts. I had my little pizza for lunch. I'll give you the Peach Tart recipe tomarrow. Oh, I really need to go. I'll blog later today.
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Today I had to wake up at 7:45 in the morning to get ready for cooking class. I put on my slippers, went downstairs, ate frosted wheat squares, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. Since cooking class started at 9:00 and I was ready at 8:00, I ha dsome time to read. After my mom dropped me off, I found my class, (BC and OA were with me) and went to the first room, where we studied about nutrition. Then in the second class, we made salsa. When my mom picked me up, we went to Jason's Deli for lunch. Then we went to Sugarbear's to get some treats for the dogs. Then we went to Wal Mart to go grocerie shopping because we had nothing to eat at home. At Wal Mart I got this nail polish called Petites. They're really small bottles of nail polish. I got a clear coat and a color called Orange Passion. OK. I need to go. Lil' J just woke up and Big J and I have a surprise for him. Laters!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Hey I just wanted to tell you to check out and listen to my top ten songs and tell me what you think!
Yesterday and Today
Yesterday, my family went to the Tonitown park. Lil' J had loads of fun, and there was new playground equipment so it was really nice. Today, I woke up at 9:00 and had to get dressed and ready right then and there. We were going to Village Inn for brunch. I had a lemonade and French Toast Pancakes and they were delish! After we got home, we went to our neighborhood pool to swim until about 2:00. I swam in the pool until I got stung on my arm and leg by a sweat bee and decided to tan. When we got home, I took a shower, put in curling gel, twisted my hair into buns, and blowdried it. The curling gel would hold my curls and make them look healthy instad of frizz city. I twisted my hair into buns because it would help curl it, like my old stylist had done. Let's just say it didn't turn out to anything close that it was supposed to be. I was soooooooo dissapointed. So I put my hair into a bun. Later, my mom said we were going to see Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. It was a pretty good movie. Then we went to Mojitos the Mexican restarant for dinner and it was divine! Now I'm typing on the computer and am just about done blogging. Laters!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Yesterday and Today
Yesterday I watched Marley and Me after I ate breakfast. Then I got ready, staitened my hair, and helped mom with her consignment clothes ( tagging prices on them). After lunch, her friend came over to help bring in her consignment stuff It was all the way in Rogers, so lil' J fell asleep on the way there. It took about an hour to unload everything from both cars. Then I had to go find big J when we got home to go eat dinner. We ate at Red Robin. When we got home, I organized my closet an dwent to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I ate breakfast and got dressed and now I'm typing on the computer. Well, I'll blog later today. ttyl!
~Peace Polkdots~
~Peace Polkdots~
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday and Tuesday
On Monday at 5:40 pm I got to M's bday party. we had a blast! M and I shared a pizza and everyone else got wrps and burgers. Then we went to m's house to swim.And today I had to get a hair appointment with Mellissa at Spoiled the Salon. I got my bangs cut short and got a trim on my layers and bottom of my hair. It looks amazing! I love it! I'll upload a picture later. I'll also upload a picture of Shaggy, my new dog. Laters!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Yesterday afternoon, my mom, lil' J and I went to the mall. when we got there, we realized there was a sidewalk sale. So first, we went to the candy store, then we went to Aeropostale. I found this really cute tank top for six bucks and found something really cute for MRO too. Then we went to Romancing the Stone, and then Bath and Body Works. I got a small bottle of Aromatherapy Sleep lotion. It really helped! I slept through the whole night. When I woke up, I had to get ready to take my mom's car in to repair because she got in anaccident the other day. But it's not bad at all. I'm so excited about M's birthday party that I've used up all my energy for it this morning. Now I'm sluggish. Well, time to get in shape! Laters!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Good Morning! Today I didn't exactly wake up by my self. My dogs, Hershey and Shaggy came running up the stairs and jumped on top of me like mad dogs after they tore up my carpet with their nails when running into my room. It scared the crap out of me! Anywayz, my mom just got home from swimming. So I had to babysit lil' J. Now we are getting ready to go to the Botanical Gardens to go to the Farmer's Market. Annd this afternoon, we get to go to the mall to shop for MRO's present! Uughgh! I have so much more to type, but so little time. Laters!
Peace Polkadots
Peace Polkadots
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday Night- Saturday Afternoon
Hey Y'all! Last night I went to Frozen Tounges and got a Strawberry Cheesecake snow cone. It smelled and tasted just like real strawberry cheesecake! When we got back from Frozen Tounges I got into my pj's and started copying recipes from a book I rented from the library. By 11:00 my mom called upto me to go to bed. I slept so well last night because of sleeping on the hard bed at camp. When I woke up I had breakfast, got in the shower, and started writing down recipes again.Then I took a break and started typing on the computer. Well, I'll bog later tomarrow. Laters!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hey Y'all
Hey, just wanted to let you know that once a month, there will be a different saying below my blog title.This month's saying is is Thinking is the biggest mistake in dancing. You have to feel.
Fashionista Friday
Today is Fashionista Friday! This time I'm not going to give you advice, but have you look at an outfit on a web site. So go to www.abercrombieandfitch.com and click on Womens. Then you will see a bunch of different catagories. Find the catagorie that says A&F Tees. Then look at the second tee shirt. The shirt should be called Terri and is gray that says New York in a dark gray letters and faded flowers that are a cream color. Then, click on the catagorie that says Denim Shorts. Scroll over to the eighth pair. It should be called Gretta and has holes in it and is rolled up at the bottom. It's a medium wash. Then click on leather flip flops. Find the pair that says Vintage Leather Treads and is the seventh pair from the last so you will have to count backwards from the last pair of flip flops. Well, that is one of the perfect outfits from Abercrombie & Fitch! Laters!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I'm Home! ( And Very Tired)
Hey guys! I'm home from camp! Yes, I'm a little tired from waking up at 6:30 A.M. by my councelor's stupid alarm on her phone! Anywayz, I'm calling out to MRO to tell her I will probably be able to come to your party! What kind of gift do you want? Oh! And by the way, I'm planning mine at the Town Place Suites so be expecting an invitation! My dog Hersey had to get his tooth pulled and while we were there the doctor gave us a dog to try out. His name is Shaggy and he is a little dog and is a shaggy dog. He sort of looks like the dog Benji in the movie BENJI. Anywayz, I need to get going so I can fix my opening song title. It's supposed to be a song by Black Eyed Peas but for some reason it's playing the one you are listening to right now which is Unwritten. Laters!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Today I go to camp with my two friends o and m. I'm so excited ! Except there is this one thing bothering me. See my friend Girly Girl is turning her room into a really cool mature room that I love! It's just that I'm a bit jealous. My room is crap. My parents won't do anything to it because we're moving I'm guessing. Anywayz my vaca. was great. We saw a wild parrot that said hello, went shopping, boogie boarded, swam, tanned, and all that relaxation. I snagged lots of the little goodies the hotel left. There was this cute little thing called the Village that we went to pretty much every night. I went ziplining there, and got to jump on a trampoline that went at least 14 feet high.Well, I really need to finish packing and scrpaing up all the money I can get to update my room. Laters!
Peace Polkadots!
Peace Polkadots!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Playlist, Vacation and More!
Ok.I've changed my playlist up a little and I want you to listen to my top 3 songs. I wanted to put my first song Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield but I realized my friend already has it. So my 1. is Single by Natasha Bedingfield, 2. is Unwritten and 3. is I Got A Feeling by Black Eyed Peas. Trust me, these are the best songs in the world! Anywayz, tomarrow I go on vacation to Destin, Florida! I'm so exited, I was already packed on Wednesday. We have to leave at 4:00 in the morning though. (bummer!) But at least we'll get there before dinner. :) I talked to my mom and asked her if we could get me a pair of sunglases for the beach and she said no. (i don't know why!) Anywayz, I've got to go clean before we leave tomarrow
Peace Polkadots!
Peace Polkadots!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My Blog
I feel like I should change my template because my 2 BFF's MRO and OCA have really cool templates. Mine is boring. I guess I have zero confidence in my blog because nobody really reads it and nobody leaves comments and noone says they really like it. *sigh* Anywayz, I'm home from NY now. We saw a really nice house with a great view of the Hudson River and a bridge that lights up at night. Plus I can see NYC in a fog too. The inside of the house is beatiful! Plus it has 2 balconies.( one for the master bedroom, one for a kid's room witch would be mine if we got the house.) Plus,I leave again in two days for Florida. I'm really sad because my friend isn't able to go with me on vacation. But I do get to go to Sky Ranch with my two friends OCA and MBC.Well, I don'tknow why I'm still blogging if nobody is gonna read it.
Peace Polkadots
Peace Polkadots
Monday, June 29, 2009
Today was great! We went to the conseierge lounge for breakfast.(I had 2 croisants, strawberries, and 3 cubes of watermelon.) Then we went to drive to Conneticut to check out the area. I am pretty sure we will be living in Conneticut because they have nicer houses there. We ate lunch at McDonald's and had icecream at a place called Scoopz. A lot of celebs have been there before because their pictures are on the wall with their signitures on it. And now I am at my luxurious hotel on one of their computers typing away. And by the way, I MISS ALL OF YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I'm going to be very alone in middle school. Did you know the deadline here for school is Dec. 1? I would be in 7 th grade in NY! But oh well. Oh, and something reminds me of yesterday: Jaeden kept taking his seatbelt off every time my dad hit the breaks, so there was a police car driving by and my dad said, " If you don't put your seat belt on, the Police man will take you away." That scared the crap out of him! It was soooooo funny! Anywayz, I've got to get going, so see y'all on Wednesday!
Peace Polkadots!
Peace Polkadots!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Miss you all!
Today was a great day too. This morning I woke up, took a shower, and ate at dunkin' donuts, and looked at some houses.( totally a waste of time) Then we ate lunch at A weird restarant/ Grocerie store. At the hotel, we swam in a really nice pool, and took another shower, and ate dinner at an Italian reastarant. I had spagettii, chicken fingers, fries, and a cream puff with chocolat sauce.
ok! i'll be back tomarrow. My time on the computer is up.
ok! i'll be back tomarrow. My time on the computer is up.
Friday, June 26, 2009
New York
I'm in NY right now! I saw NYC and the Statue of Liberty on the plane! Amazing! Our hotel is great, and since my dad has enough hotel points or something, we get to go to the conseirge lounge. It's a lounge that opens at 6:30 - 10:00 am and 5:00 - 10:00 pm. They have the best fruit and croissants in the world. yesterday my mom turned the tv on and it said that Michael Jackson died of possibly cardio arrest. Anywayz, we went to this really good pizza place last night called Capris Pizza. Then we went to the Cheesecake Factory for desert. The indoor pool is soooooooo cool. It's like a blob with fake palm trees and tropical things all around and there's no roof. This morning my mom and I woke up and went to the underground fitness room. I walked on the treadmill, lifted weightswith the dumbbells, and did knee ups and chin ups on this really cool machine. We might be able to go to NYC on Sunday since we don't have any scheduled house hunting trips. Blog me!
Miss you all!
Peace Polkadots
Miss you all!
Peace Polkadots
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Today I had to wake up at 8:00 in the morning to go to my mom's triathlon. When she finished, the volunteers took off her chip that timed her and wrote down her time. For some reason, everyone's time was messed up for I don't know why. Anywayz, that's where I've been all morning. My friend O just got back from Gulf Shores, Alabama. Ionly have 4 days to talk to all my friends because I'm leaving for a 5 day house hunting trip in NY on Thursday. I'm going to miss everyone when I move! But let's not think about that at the moment. Anywayz, I'm saving up big time for a new pair of sunglasses, a french manicure kit, and a product on milk and cookeez. I have enough for the sunglassses or the manicure kit, but I really NEED the sunglases. Well, time to go to the pool!
Happy Father's Day to all Dads!
-Peace Polkadots
Happy Father's Day to all Dads!
-Peace Polkadots
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
(: Happy Birthday M!!! :)
Today is M's Birthday! She's 11 yrs. old. It's time to party! I know the perfect gift!And card! It's tooo bad O isn't here! Well I'm going to call M later and wish her a happy b-day!
Love ~ Ya ! !
Have an awesome day !
Peace Polkadots!
Love ~ Ya ! !
Have an awesome day !
Peace Polkadots!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hey y'all! I just wanted to tell you about my playlist. I added a bunch of different songs so don't forget to check them out. Anywayz, I feel like I'm posting and posting and posting and no one is reading. I feel like I need to spruce it up. So please comment and tell me how I can get better. I mean I rarly even get comments after I've posted about 15 things. Well, I need to babysit lil' J. Bye.
Peace Polkadots!
Peace Polkadots!
Monday, June 15, 2009
At Wilson Park these people were giving away free puppies. I think wemight go back and get one. They are so adorable! Well, that's all I wanted to say. Don't forget to read the post underneath too!
~Peace Polkadots~
~Peace Polkadots~
So Sorry
I'm so sorry for not blogging in forever! I've had camp all last week so...................... But on Thursday we Got to go horse back riding! I was a natural at riding horses! Anywayz, even though the fizzy milk bath won, I'm going to get the frosting whipped soap. My friend O said it's divine! I had the most splendid weekend! On Saturday my mom and I got pedicures together and went out to Stone Mill (a sandwich place) for lunch. On Sunday we went to Fast Lane. After Fast Lane my dad had to leave :( But then we went to the Pinnicle Promanade Mall. At the mall, we got to go to Justice, the Cookie Shop, the Shoe Dept., and the Areopostale. My dad will return home on Friday and will go back to NY to continue his job. I know, it sucks for my dad to spend every week in NY for his stupid job and barely even hang out with us when he comes home on the weekends. Anywayz, my BFF O is on the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama. I've never been there, but it sounds awesome. Well time to clean the house.
Have a sweet week!
~Peace Polkadots~
Have a sweet week!
~Peace Polkadots~
Monday, June 8, 2009
FAC Camp
Starting at 2:30 P.M., I am going to have outdoor adventure camp all until 6:30 P.M. for this whole week. I'm actually dreading it a little, since we are going to be doing the exact same thing from last year; Swim, Canoe, Kayak, bouldering, rock climbing, ect. Well, try not to call during that time! Please comment! I have had no comments from the last three posts,probably including this one. Thanks!
Have a better week than me! I will probably smell like nature.
-Peace Polkadots!
Have a better week than me! I will probably smell like nature.
-Peace Polkadots!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Today my mom had to get up at 3:00 in the morning to do a triathlon in Conway, AR. I hope she does well! Yesterday my friend and I made these really cute door hangers. We decorated them with stationary and scrapbook paper and stickers, ribbon, and initals. They are super cute! Later on I can post some pictures that I took of them yesterday. Oh, and wish my mom luck!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My Poll
Ok, I've checked on the votes for my poll, and it's a tie! I need more people to vote! Please! I am NOT settling for a dead neck tie. There are two more days left to vote, so I need your help. Thanks!
Friday, June 5, 2009
~Fashionista Friday~
Happy Fashionista Friday everyone! Something that's in this week is Aeropostale! A good combonation would be teal shorts: with a distressed look of Aeropostale,white cotton, cut and sewn into the shorts, and a lime green stitch saying athletic department. The perfect top would be a lime green tee or tank to bring out the stitching saying athletic department. To take the California look to perfection, a good pair of flip flops would be a super hot look this weekend. Just go to the website www.aeropostale.com and check it out. Plus for good fashion tips, go to www.thegirlygirlblog.blogspot.com
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My Poll
Hey! I went onto Milk and Cookeez, and decided to change my poll. Instead of cookeez and cupcakez, it's offically fizzy milk bath or frosting whipped soap. They are so much more unigue than just cupcakez or cookeez and a perfect $ price $ too! So please vote!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Today was my best day of summer vacation! I got to hang out at my friend's house. We went to Tropical Smoothie Cafe. I got a warm turkey wrap, and a Mango Magic smoothie. Then, we went to Barnes & Noble to get books to read over the summer. 'Cause you know me, I'm a fast reader and can get easily bored if I'm doing nothing. Anyway, there's a music section in B & N so Emmy, Maddy S., and I listened to music and watched previews for movies. I watched a preview for Legally Blonde and it's hilarious! I totally want to see it. Well, time to go!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Last Day of School! : )
Today, June 1, is the last of fifth grade for me! Although I'm sad about moving, I know I'm going to have an awsome summer. Anyway, this was my day:
First thing in the morning when I got to school, I handed out cards and Dove bodywashes to my three friends. We didn't have to do any assignments this morning, only talk and have fun. Think of that, having fun at school! Mrs. Spear was our substitute because my teacher Mrs. Rogers was on a cruise to some island near the Bahamas. Anyway, since there are three fifth grade rooms, two of them were for watching movies andthe other one was for board games.My friend Olivia, Maddy, Cadi and I played a game called Whooknew (who knew).It was so frustrating because I barely know any of my friends so I always got the lowest scores both times. Plus,I didn't even get good cards. UGHH! I hate that game! But I had a good lunch: Bagle w/ sundried tomato turkey, baked Doritos, a handful of red grapes, and chocolatechip banana bread. Then we had recess (it was retty long actually). Afterward my two friends Mollie and Olivia and I were getting nervous because we were performing for Tiger Pride. We were doing a dance with Hoedown Throwdown by Miley Cyrus. It surprised me that we did good. During Tiger Pride, Mrs. Malone anounced that our class won a principal party. I was so happy! That meant we got to choose a good sized candy bar (i got a Kit Kat). What a great day to end the school year!
First thing in the morning when I got to school, I handed out cards and Dove bodywashes to my three friends. We didn't have to do any assignments this morning, only talk and have fun. Think of that, having fun at school! Mrs. Spear was our substitute because my teacher Mrs. Rogers was on a cruise to some island near the Bahamas. Anyway, since there are three fifth grade rooms, two of them were for watching movies andthe other one was for board games.My friend Olivia, Maddy, Cadi and I played a game called Whooknew (who knew).It was so frustrating because I barely know any of my friends so I always got the lowest scores both times. Plus,I didn't even get good cards. UGHH! I hate that game! But I had a good lunch: Bagle w/ sundried tomato turkey, baked Doritos, a handful of red grapes, and chocolatechip banana bread. Then we had recess (it was retty long actually). Afterward my two friends Mollie and Olivia and I were getting nervous because we were performing for Tiger Pride. We were doing a dance with Hoedown Throwdown by Miley Cyrus. It surprised me that we did good. During Tiger Pride, Mrs. Malone anounced that our class won a principal party. I was so happy! That meant we got to choose a good sized candy bar (i got a Kit Kat). What a great day to end the school year!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Milk And Cookeez!
Omg! My friend showed me this website from her aunt's blog and it's called milk and cookeez. I checked out the website and they have the most amazing things! I love stuff like this! I am going to order something when i get the money. The bath bombs looks just like you can eat it! Ilove the website. The founder did a really good job. I will buy some soap or shea butter or something that is adorable! Everything is! It will so hard to limit the things I want from there! Just go to the website: www.milkandcookeez.com It's amazing!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Soapy Nature
Hey guys! My mom has a friend who owns a buissness called Soapy Nature in Florida. She sells soaps that she makes with molds by herself. She sells soap, shampoo, and bath bars. Some of the types are:
Carribean Island, Sunny Citrus (good for dry skin), Runnershigh, e.c.t. If you are interested in Soapy Nature products go to soapynature.com or comment if you want any.
PS- this is really good soap it smells amazing!
Carribean Island, Sunny Citrus (good for dry skin), Runnershigh, e.c.t. If you are interested in Soapy Nature products go to soapynature.com or comment if you want any.
PS- this is really good soap it smells amazing!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Stationary cards for sale

My friend and i made adorable stationary cards. There are sets of 2. Each one is $2.00 each. Some of them are scented with sweet pea, warm vanilla sugar, or sea island cotton. If you want them personalized please comment. Thanks!
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