Hello bloggers and readers! I am going to change over to a new blog to attract visitors. The new blog will be available starting today, on January, the 18th. I hope you enjoy the new blog! To visit it, follow the link below
Heart, Peace Polkadots
P.S. This will be the very last post of Peace Polkadots. :(
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
So Sorry
I don't really know what to do now since nobody reads my blog I'm going to do something extravagant to maybe get more visitors. But I most defenitly will NOT tell because of you copiers out there. Yeah, you know who you are. So anyway, I close this post with hugs and kisses!
Heart, Peace Polkadots
Heart, Peace Polkadots
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas Eve!!!!
Hey hey hey! It's a brand new day! Merry Christmas Eve to readers and bloggers! I finally figured out why my blog wasn't working earlier...because I wasn't doing it right! Of course! But no worries, it looks great now right?! Anyways, I can't wait for "Santa" to come and bring me my iPod Touch! And have Mom make soe more toffee! Oh, how I LOVE her toffee! It's made with melted chocolate chips, brown sugar, Saltine crackers, and butter! It's so flippin' good! I wish she would make it more often though! Here is the recipe:
Momma's Toffee
Brown sugar
Chocolate chips of your choice
Saltine crackers
How To:
Line a pan with the crackers. Melt a cup of butter and a cup of the brown sugar. Cook the butter and the sugar in a pot at a low boil for 3 minutes. Pour over the crackers and spread with a rubber spatular. Place in the oven for 5 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove from oven and immediatly pour chocolate chips over the toffee. The chocolate chips should melt from the heat, wait 5 minutes, spread with a rubber spatular and place in the freezer. When the chocolate is solid to the touch, break it up into chunks and keep in a container in the fridge. Then you can eat and enjoy!!! This recipe is so good and I highly recomend you to try it. Seriously! This recipe is REALLY GOOD!!!
Momma's Toffee
Brown sugar
Chocolate chips of your choice
Saltine crackers
How To:
Line a pan with the crackers. Melt a cup of butter and a cup of the brown sugar. Cook the butter and the sugar in a pot at a low boil for 3 minutes. Pour over the crackers and spread with a rubber spatular. Place in the oven for 5 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove from oven and immediatly pour chocolate chips over the toffee. The chocolate chips should melt from the heat, wait 5 minutes, spread with a rubber spatular and place in the freezer. When the chocolate is solid to the touch, break it up into chunks and keep in a container in the fridge. Then you can eat and enjoy!!! This recipe is so good and I highly recomend you to try it. Seriously! This recipe is REALLY GOOD!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It's Snowing!
Hello fellow bloggers and readers! So if you heard about the storm that was supposed to hit the north, well, it did. Hard. It is currently snowing RIGHT THIS INSTANT. It is so pretty! It's already snowed once here, and there was a lot. The forecast for tonight says that there should be up to 10 inches, there isn't very much now. I can't wait to see what it looks like in the morning! I just hope that there will be A TON. Well, I have to go get my dogs to stop wrestling each other. See yas!
:::Peace Polkadots:::
:::Peace Polkadots:::
Monday, December 14, 2009
Merry Christmas!!!!

Happy Holidays! I know I haven't posted in-what?A month?- anywayz, I have some BIG news. And when I say big-I mean BIG! like KAPOW! Well, hereis my BIG news: 1. I got some fat chunky guinea pigs. 2. I completly forgt about two of my fiend's birthdays(oops) 3. my life is so boring! I just wanted to wish you all happy holidays and a merry christmas! So this past summer, my photographer took a ton of pictures of my family in this really big park. I looked at some of them and they turned out great! I'll post some now. Aren't they great?!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
So yesterday was Thanksgiving. I went to my grandma's house in New Jersey. We had the most awesome food there! There were mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes with marshmallows (my personal fav), turkey (of course!), sweet potato rolls, stuffing, and so much more! My cousins were there, my dad's side of the family, and my dad's extended side of the family. For dessert, we had chocolate chip pie (yum!), apple pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, and made by my mom, raspberry chocolate fudge cake! Today is black Friday, and me and my mom woke up at 4:15 to get ready. She told me to stay in bed and told me i couldn't go shopping with her and my grandma! i was so upset, i stayed awake until 6:10 and fell back asleep, very sad. i woke up again at 7:40, took a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, gathered my things and threw them in the car. I was extremely mad at my mom for doing this to me. YA HEAR THAT MOM? I REALLY WANTED TO GO!!!!! Anywayz, i just wanted to take everything out on you so i can feel better, which did not do anything. I think I'll go to my room that I'm staying in and cry until my eyes fall out. I hope all of you are happy that your moms get to take YOU shopping on black Friday.
:::Peace Polkadots:::
:::Peace Polkadots:::
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Most Lucky Unlucky Person on Friday the 13th!
Hey Guys! I'm telling you that yes, I am alive and healthy. Anyway, as you all know, yestarday was Friday the 13th. I had almost the best day. And what i mean by how I'm the most lucky unlucky person, well, here it goes: I had forgotten my homework for my nicest teacher ever (which i would NEVER forget homework for that teacher!)which was unlucky. However, i told him that it was in my computer and not on a pice of paper. He then toold mr to e-mailit to him so he could not count it late(lucky!). In my art class, I really needed to go to the bathroom and took her FOREVER to get to me. As soon as I heard the word yes come out of her mouth, I ran to the sign out sheet. There were, like, a million things piled on top, so i threw them outof the way(unlucky). Then the pen was jammed in the clipboard(unlucky). So I skipped signing out, but i couldnt find the bathroom pass (yet again unlucky)! As soon as i did fnd it, was seriously about to pee my pants. But,(luckily) made it safely to the loo just in time. And I know someting is up with my blog, and I really liked the one that i had. :-( and, u guys need to check out the band called OWL CITY. it's awesome! i love their songs!
Peace Polkadots
Peace Polkadots
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